Families and Children

AnxietyFamilies and ChildrenLife TransitionsRelationships

Helping your Teen Navigate Their Emotions

Being a teenager can be a difficult and confusing time. Experiencing a variety of moods, or quickly changing emotions, is common for teens just as it is for adults. For teenagers, however, these mood swings may happen more frequently and may be more extreme in nature. In this week’s blog, we are going to share how parents can support their adolescent children as they experience the complex emotions of being a teenager.

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AnxietyDepressionFamilies and ChildrenIndividual TherapyTrauma

Resources for Individuals Who Self Harm

For individuals who self harm, the first step to recovery is recognizing that you want to stop. If you are not yet ready to stop, do not be discouraged. There are plenty of ways to begin gaining control over your self- injuring behaviors by first setting boundaries around when and how often you hurt yourself. For many, the recovery process is often long and fraught with significant ups and downs. The following information provides a brief overview of a few ways individuals who self harm can begin working towards healing.

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