Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling

Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling

  • Do you argue and never solve problems?
  • Do you miss the emotional & physical intimacy you once had?
  • Are you and your spouse living separate lives?

According to research on relationships, there are specific warning signs of relationship breakdown that can lead to divorce.

These include:

  • Feeling distant, leading parallel lives
  • Talking seems useless so you try to solve problems on your own
  • Rather than complaining about specific actions, you criticize each others personality and character
  • Open displays of contempt: hostile humor, eye-rolling, mockery
  • Avoiding each other
  • Loneliness sets in
Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling

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Contact us at (248) 563-0587 for a free consultation, or schedule an appointment online.

Often, one or both people in a relationship will bring the baggage of previous relationships and even pain and trauma from their childhood into their present relationship. Also, intimate relationship skills are something that are learned, however most people have never been taught these skills. These factors combined can make relationships a real struggle.

The good news is research also shows that marriage counseling and couples counseling can make a significant and lasting difference in improving relationships. In couples and marriage counseling, couples are guided in reconnecting emotionally so they can let go of the anger both past and present and begin to develop skills that make relationships work, such as:

  • Nurturing fondness and admiration
  • Turning towards each other instead of away
  • Allowing partners to influence one another
  • Problem-solving
  • Overcoming gridlock
  • Creating a life with shared meaning

You can stop the arguing, reconnect emotionally and have a loving and fulfilling relationship.